Practice Areas
At Hamasaki Law, we defend federal and state criminal cases
at investigative, pre-trial, trial, and post-conviction stages.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
DUI cases, including felony DUI with injury (alcohol and other substances).
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence cases, including but not limited to child abuse, intimate partner violence, elder or dependent abuse, and stalking.
Assault, Battery, and Violent Crimes
Assault, battery, and other violent crimes, including murder, attempted murder, arson, robbery, and first-degree burglary.
Gang Crimes and Enhancements
Gang-related crimes and gang enhancements to crimes including drug offenses, assault and battery, gun charges, murder and manslaughter.
Various firearm offenses, including carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, assault with a deadly weapon, possession of an assault weapon, carrying a loaded gun in public, or possessing a firearm as a convicted felon.
White Collar Crimes
Corporate crime, or financially motivated, nonviolent offenses committed by businesses or government professionals. This includes fraud, tax violation, embezzlement, and intellectual property theft.
Internet & Computer Crime
Computer crimes including phishing, identity theft, hacking, cyberstalking, cyber extortion, intellectual property theft, malware, and spyware.
Probation Violations
Violations of probation stipulations including random drug testing, employment requirements, curfew, restitution, fines and court costs, educational or mandated programs, and contact with victims or co-defendants.
Expungement & Post-Conviction Relief
Post-conviction relief, including record expungement, seal arrest records, petitions for factual innocence, and reduction of felonies to misdemeanors.
Restraining Orders
Temporary restraining order (TRO), permanent restraining order, and criminal protective order cases.
Protests and Related Offenses
Protest-related cases, violent and non-violent, including failure to disperse, vandalism, resisting arrest, and assult or battery on a peace officer.